Refund Policy
(effective immediately, 9/17/01)

The Ultrasonics Symposium will be held as scheduled.
However, if for any reason you find it necessary to request a refund of your pre-registration fees, the following refund policy is in effect.

There will be a complete refund of pre-registration fees (no service charge) if the request is received by Monday September 24, 2001.

Between Tuesday, September 25, 2001 and Friday, October 5, 2001, there will be a $50.00 service charge to process the refund.

After Friday, October 5, 2001, there will be no refunds.

A letter requesting the refund should state the registrant's name and to whom the refund check should be made payable. If you paid with a credit card, please allow 2 weeks for the credit to appear on your account.

FAX the letter to: 217/398-4119.