» Conferences IEEE International Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 50th Anniversary Joint Conference
Announcing the 2004
24-27 August, 2004,
Montréal, Canada
24-27 August, 2004, Montréal, Canada
Internet connectivity at the Conference
The Conference will support several forms of Internet access in the Exhibit Area:
-Three PC workstations with high speed access to the Internet.
-Several Ethernet ports providing high speed access to the Internet; bring your laptop and an Ethernet cable.
-An IEEE 802.11b wireless connection to the Internet . The service will support 256 simultaneous users and has a toll free telephone support line. The access code for this is will be posted in the Exhibit Area
Important Dates
Here are some important dates for the Joint Conference; mark your calendar now.
Deadline for On-Line Submission of Proceedings Manuscripts: September 10, 2004
Deadline for On-Line Conference Registration: August 18, 2004
Deadline for Hotel Registration: July 21, 2004
Short Courses and Tutorials: August 23, 2004
Joint Conference: August 24-27, 2004