Welcome to Vancouver!
The 2006 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from October 3–6, 2006.
The conference will be held at the Westin Bayshore Resort and Marina, situated in the heart of Coal Harbour, one of Vancouver’s most historical areas. It is a modern, very well equipped conference centre that is perfectly suited for conferences like the Ultrasonics Symposium.
Vancouver is a vibrant multicultural city nestled on the slopes of the majestic Coast Mountain range that form the northern edge of the metropolis, and are a major part of its spectacular views. It is a quintessential North American west coast city; beautiful, diverse, irreverent, and teeming with life.
In addition to the natural splendour you’ll find many museums, art galleries, sports activities, and oases of tranquility within easy walking distance of the conference centre. Vancouver/Whistler is also the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics. The Ultrasonics Symposium is a great opportunity for a preview of the fun to come.
Hope to meet you in Vancouver.
Best regards
F Stuart Foster
General Chair